
Publisher: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A history of Islamic societies 
Year: 2002 
ISBN: 521779332 
A most masculine state : gender, politics and religion in Saudi Arabia 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9780521122528 
Call No: HQ1730 .A64 2013 
A sea of debt : law and economic life in the western Indian Ocean, 1780-1950 
Year: 2017 
ISBN 13: 9781107155657 
Call No: DS340 .B57 2017 
Algeria 1960 : the disenchantment of the world : the sense of honour : the Kabyle house or the world reversed : essays 
Year: 1979 
ISBN: 521220904 
America and political Islam : clash of cultures or clash of interests ? 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 521639573 
An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 521343151 
Call No: HC492 .E295 1994 
An empire of facts : colonial power, cultural knowledge, and Islam in Algeria, 1870-1914 
Year: 2009 
ISBN 13: 9780521734349 
Asia before Europe : economy and civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the rise of Islam to 1750 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 0521316812 
Call No: DS339 .C48 1990 
Bartered brides : politics, gender, and marriage in an Afghan tribal society 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 521381584 
Black crescent : the experience and legacy of African Muslims in the Americas 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 521600790 
Call No: E185 .G615 2005