
Tag: Communities [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Megalopolis the urbanized northeastern seaboard of the United States 
Year: 1961 
Metropolis : center and symbol of our times 
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 0814746403 
Call No: HT330 .M454 1995 
Metropolis : from the division of labor to urban form 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 0520071980 
Metropolis 1890-1940 
Year: 1984 
ISBN: 0226780252 
Call No: HT330 .M45 1984 
Metropolis on the move : geographers look at urban sprawl 
Year: 1967 
Call No: HT371 .G6 1967 
Metropolis to metroplex : the social and spatial planning of cities 
Year: 1984 
ISBN: 0801831539 
Call No: HT167 .M45 1984 
Metropolitan America : urban life and urban policy in the United States, 1940-1980 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 0813515068 
Middle Eastern cities : a symposium on ancient, Islamic, and contemporary Middle Eastern urbanism 
Year: 1969 
Middle Eastern cities in comparative perspective : points de vue sur les villes du Maghreb et du Machrek : Franco-British symposium, London, 10-14 May 1984 
Year: 1986 
ISBN: 863720714 
Middle Eastern cities in comparative perspective : points de vue sur les villes du Maghreb et du Machrek : Franco-British symposium, London, 10-14 May 1984 
Year: 1986 
ISBN: 0863720714