Results for "H"

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  Title Copies
Housing by people : towards autonomy in building environments 
Year: 1976 
ISBN: 0714525693 
Housing vouchers : a comparative international analysis 
Year: 1986 
ISBN: 088285111X 
Hatra. 2 : Historical monuments in Iraq 
Year: 1973 
Housing choices and housing constraints 
Year: 1960 
Call No: HD7293 .F62 1960 
History of the Arabs 
Year: 1960 
Call No: DS223 .H5 1960 
Housing, people, and cities 
Year: 1962 
Call No: HD7293 .M4 1962 
Housing the poor : the case for heroism 
Year: 1978 
ISBN: 0884106659 
Call No: HD7293 .P55 1978 
History of Sultanate architecture 
Year: 1978 
Habitat clandestin au Maroc 
Year: 1989 
Housing in Egypt : report of the Egypt study visit by staff and students of the courses in Housing for Developing Countries, School of Architecture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, January 1984 
Year: 1984